Tuesday, November 3, 2009

BP2_2009111_RSS Feeds

I have selected the following 5 RSS news feeds for my iGoogle Reader
  • PBIS News Feed - Selected because it directly links to my Action Research project
  • RtI Action Network - School Wide Positive Behavior Support - Selected for two reason, first it again ties directly into my Action Research project and secondly because it directly impacts my job. As a Staffing Specialist it is my responsibility to make sure that all step s and procedures are documented prior to gaining consent to evaluate students for Special Education programs. RtI has been used at my school for the past three years with regards to academics, but requirements regarding behavior are new this year. I am hoping this feed will help me to stay current with new expectations and best practices related to what is now being referred to as RtI-B.
  • Positive Behavior Support - Positive Behavior Support Schools - Hoping to gain insight into the practices of our PBS schools to help in implementing those ideas within my school and to make my Action Research project stronger.
  • YouTube Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support - Systematic Supervision - Again directly related to my action research, but more importantly a means to bring supporting research and best practices back to my teachers.
  • Orlando Sentinel - I have selected this last one for more of a personal reason than educational. Since starting Full Sail I have not watched TV in the past 3 months and feel a bit out of contact with current events at times as a result. I have selected this feed to assist me with keeping abreast of current events and of course will closely monitor any happening related to local schools.
A general comment regarding the RSS feeds - until now I had never really understood how RSS feed work nor had I used them. I am excited with the potential of this technology and the time it will hopefully save me as I work through my Action Research project and professional goals.

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